Thursday, April 30, 2009


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Well today I was asked what profanity is, and I ended up with this quite wordy's not edited for kicks.

profanity: items not belonging to the church

based upon the definition above, it's you screaming to people "I don't go to church"

for me it's used as making a saying more memorable or to dramatize it such as "I hate that 'fucking' cat" instead of "I hate that cat" it gives more demand to be brought to the hatred of the cat......or if you take it literally the cat 'fucks' too much and humps everything like a dog and you hate it lol

depending who you speak w/ profanity can be used abstractly then change to be literal to switch the connotation of the subject
I know that when I'm w/ my friends the phrase "no homo" must be stated quite often since everything will be changed based on what you had said

profanity is what you make it out to be from maturity level to a shift in comfort between people

So that's part of what I think upon the subject.  Just to make it be very clear, I swear like a sailor.

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