Thursday, March 5, 2009

Totally Stylin Tattoos Barbie.....What will they come up with next?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while, "Totally Stylin Tattoos Barbie". Really, what are we bringing out to little girls? It's bad enough that most high school students can easily get tattoos for no reason; now we can say 'YES' to tattoos on small children, might as well lower the age to 10 for tattoos. Your little girl will love that butterfly on her shoulder forever. Mattel should at least name this Barbie appropriately 'Tramp Stamp Barbie'. This isn't a huge step up from the generic ideal female model (supposedly), but it leads to other possibilities and that's where people have problems.
What's next?
Can there be a 'Pretty Preggers Barbie', with a large stomach, swelling tits, and in nine months a new baby doll can be purchased to crawl out of the 'Pretty Preggers Barbie'? Or maybe a 'Divorced Barbie', she costs $300,000 and comes with half of Ken's stuff. Then to complete the set you need to get the 'Broken-Down Ken', and he comes with a drink and a strip club. I don't know what Mattel was thinking with their new Barbie, but it's not the greatest thing to put out to small children.

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