Friday, March 27, 2009

Inspiraion from the Amazon La'Shondra

Friday, March 27, 2009

So my friend sent me a text message joke that becomes a virus from phone to phone.  Anyways here's the joke:

A boy catches his dad doing [having sex] his mom.  His dad notices the boy and winks at him, then continues.  The next day the dad catches the boy doing [having sex] the boy's grandmother.  The boy turns and says, "Not so funny when it's your mom, huh?"
End joke.
So my friend and I begin talking anout what we would do in this situation, she would probably end up becoming a stripper to give her father a meesage, "You ****** up raising me."  I figured I would follow suit with the sjoke a little more, and jizz on his favorite possession.  As gross as it sounds you can use a similar witty saying as in the joke, "It's not so funny when it's all over something you love."  Sure your dad would be pissy for a little bit, but he'll think about winking to you.  Another consequence would be that he might not shake your hand either (this goes for both sexes). 

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