Here are some of the St. Patrick's Day Myths that have circulated around.....enjoy.
- Leprechauns : They are simply greedy midgits on crack.
Among their powers, to move swiftly, to out smart simpletons, and to have pots of gold with some bad*** powers itself (from the "Leprechaun" movies, any of them from outer space to the hood). These creatures are little ugly things, but manage to keep their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. One even has a cereal because he's so cool. - Shamrocks : Not really a myth, but close enough of a symbol that everywhere one can be seen on St. Patty's Day.
Four-Leaf Clovers : The magical 4-leaf clovers gives the holder luck. So popular that "Futurama" even doubled up for an 8-leaf clover, with really special luck that everything goes right. These little plants are hell to find, and some doubt they exist - thus they may be myth. - St. Patrick's Day began in Ireland : Yes as a minor holiday, more like Thanksgiving, but the truth is that it became a festivity in New York, for us Americans to have another excuse to drink, or to potentially have a day off from work. Either or Americans are happy with it.
- "Luck of the Irish" : Only luck the Irish get is to be different from the rest of the world, with red hair and white bodies. No doubts that the Irish have something of their own, but it's just that no one knows of it.
- Wearing Green : Again not exactly a myth, but it's funny to see that the Irish find red lucky, like the Chinese, and green to be unlucky. Whereas in America, the green is a lucky sign of life.
- Guinness is the beer of choice : This is true, sales actually double on St. Patrick's Day.
Well that's all I care to give for now, have fun with that, and happy St. Patrick's Day!
Sites sourced if further interest is there :
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