Monday, March 30, 2009

Texting......Is It Worth It?

Monday, March 30, 2009

I am a big fan of texting, as well as any multimedia messaging that doesn't involve verbal communication but gets the point across.  Lately, though, I have noticed some problems with texting :(  Some relate to the barrier of communication thought, as tone of voice from spoken language gives another depth of meaning.  Text communication loses this, unless your recipiant on the other end  understands you well.  The next issue is the fact of not everyone understanding certain characters within text, or per-say the texting language.  Which you would believe only the old folks would be trying to catch up on.  The worst part of texting fro the phone is the damn price! How do you charge $30 for sending texts when it most likely costs only 20 cents to send as many texts as possible within a month?  Okay, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and make it $2 for the month because of borrowing towers, etc.

I'm not sure I'm ready to quit texting though.  Honestly, I absolutely despise talking to people on the phone.  I don't know why, but it's a great pet-peeve of mine.  I enjoy to hold a conversation with someone, just with my mind clear for minutes at a time.  With a phone stuck to my ear I don't feel as if I'm making head-way while I procrastinate.  Texting allows that time interval of sending, waiting for a response in between each text, which is nice so I can write four to five words, or maybe finish a sentence.  Even better with texting, I don't have he obligation to text back.  When I don't want to talk any more I simply stop texting back, on the phone I must hang it up - that makes me feel rude.
So for what it's worth I can't say whether I am really for or against text messaging....not a big help :D  (makes me feel better)

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