Mascots.....(I have no idea how to begin I guess I'll have to dive right in)
- Go to games (basketball, football, etc.) free
- Extend your social network - especially the cheerleaders
- You get to be on TV without needing to be seen
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Mascots.....(I have no idea how to begin I guess I'll have to dive right in)
I am a big fan of texting, as well as any multimedia messaging that doesn't involve verbal communication but gets the point across. Lately, though, I have noticed some problems with texting :( Some relate to the barrier of communication thought, as tone of voice from spoken language gives another depth of meaning. Text communication loses this, unless your recipiant on the other end understands you well. The next issue is the fact of not everyone understanding certain characters within text, or per-say the texting language. Which you would believe only the old folks would be trying to catch up on. The worst part of texting fro the phone is the damn price! How do you charge $30 for sending texts when it most likely costs only 20 cents to send as many texts as possible within a month? Okay, I'll give the benefit of the doubt and make it $2 for the month because of borrowing towers, etc.
It's strange how people become inspired. To be inspoired to write something, to be inspired to draw. Or can it be out of sheer boredom that everything comes from? I'm not sure, but to see something, make a connectioon, produce something new is uniquely human - hell when's the last time you have seen a dog play with it's food?
As I was watching the World Cup Qualifier match between El Savlvador and the U.S., the annoucner - who was not Mexican because I was watching it on ESPN and not Telemundo - stated, "This is what the U.S. team needed to do in the first 20-30 minutes of the game: penetrate with energy. To get in a nd move the ball." Now being the person I am, I couldn't help but think of how sexually oriented that sounded. "Penetrate with energy"......just something every guy wants to do, why just penetrate? By the time he hits that point he'll have plenty of energy - unless he's really old, and needs his blue diamond.
So my friend sent me a text message joke that becomes a virus from phone to phone. Anyways here's the joke:
Today, I went for a simple cleaning of my teeth from the professionals. Within the process of the cleaning, the dentist's assistant takes out the poking thingy (I do not care for the technical term) and started scraping at my teeth. Okay, no problem, she's getting some particles from the ridges in my teeth. Then it becomes a problem when she feels the need to dig in between the teeth and gums, pull forcibly up to attempt to uproot my teeth. Fortunately, she finished quickly with that nonsense. Only to have another assistant to come try to rip my teeth out. This lady was fastidious about too, wouldn't give up either, I was stuck there for a good ten minutes with her tearing away at my gums.
So you probably know what free writing is, just write whatever comes to mind for as long as you can or until your hand hurts like it's going to fall off..... There's no concern for punctuation spellling or CaPitAliZATion,. So it's just a way for English teachers to tell you to have fun w/ writing while they can get their 6000 word requirement met. So for this post I'm just going along along along w/ free- writing and seeing what comes out of it
I have no idea what Nike was thinking with these. I'm not talking about the actual style of the shoe (though it's not that appealing), I'm speaking of the wood finish on the bottom of the shoe. WTF!? It makes you look like you're wearing a desk on your feet. You would have to wear some wooden pants and shirt to match at all. The wood finish is simply a disgrace......unless you were a carpenter, then you could wear these with authority because you're covered in saw-dust. My opinion towards these is that they are a disgrace, you would have to have some major confidence to pull these off, or some wood finish clothes, to make you a walking dresser or drawer. But salute to the carpenters, you have a Nike shoe for you.
If you really want wooden shoes you can go to Sweden, and clog with them while you're at it.
Spin the bottle, a traditional pass time by many cultures, but is it more dangerous today than it was twenties years ago when our parents were going at this pass time?
So I wanted to post up something new, and I had an idea. Sadly right when I went to type it up this very instant as I'm writing it........or typing (whatever) I forgot everything that I just had. ******!!!!! ****!!!! So here is to the TOT effect, or not even knowing at all, cause I just forgot probably an epic blogpost that I had the itch to post up........ugh
Among their powers, to move swiftly, to out smart simpletons, and to have pots of gold with some bad*** powers itself (from the "Leprechaun" movies, any of them from outer space to the hood). These creatures are little ugly things, but manage to keep their pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. One even has a cereal because he's so cool.
Four-Leaf Clovers : The magical 4-leaf clovers gives the holder luck. So popular that "Futurama" even doubled up for an 8-leaf clover, with really special luck that everything goes right. These little plants are hell to find, and some doubt they exist - thus they may be myth.
Everyone should be ready for tomorrow/today (depending when you're reading this), because it's one of the few acceptable holidays where getting drunk in public isn't such a bad thing - as long as you're not an a******. St. Patrick's Day, a time for the Irish, when the beer comes out, and the "Kiss Me" pins come to great use. Young boys taste their first drink, or are inviting their friends over for drunken parties! The bars should be packed for St. Patrick and whatever he did, but there's always a good reason to drink and be with friends. And of course the time honored tradition of pinching the people who don't support the festive drinking. I shall definitely par-take in these festivities, with fun and natural joy in the atmosphere it plans to be a good day.
How do you feel when someone tells you about a traumatic experience? Is there sympathy? What about hearing about a rape? Whether on the television, or when someone tells me outright, I just don't feel right knowing about it. I don't feel like it's my place to know that much about a person - it's worse when a person speaks about it openly, and care free. I have no sympathy, because I could never put myself in that place. I have no sympathy, because it's just a foreign activity that's heard on the news and told in stories.
Just something that was funny on YoouTube and elsewhere on the Internet.
Looking around for some new music and I found some irony upon my searches. I was listening to a Rick Ross diss song, and as an ad was a chance to party with none other than Ricky Ross himself. Here is a link if you can get the ad to pop up. Hip-Hop DX has provided many leaks to fans, and now they include ironic situations as well.
I'm not sure about most people, but I've been tagged so many times off of these stupid little guys, and their impostors. On Facebook, these Mr.Men run rampant in people's images, along with a very very very very long stream of spam conversation that most likely will have nothing to do with you, unless you uploaded and tagged everyone. Don't get me wrong they are little cute creatures to make fun of your friends, it's simply when someone tags all their friends to it, and my email goes to 157 unread of crap from a social network that means nothing to me. For now that's all because I'm lazy with senioritis....etc.
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while, "Totally Stylin Tattoos Barbie". Really, what are we bringing out to little girls? It's bad enough that most high school students can easily get tattoos for no reason; now we can say 'YES' to tattoos on small children, might as well lower the age to 10 for tattoos. Your little girl will love that butterfly on her shoulder forever. Mattel should at least name this Barbie appropriately 'Tramp Stamp Barbie'. This isn't a huge step up from the generic ideal female model (supposedly), but it leads to other possibilities and that's where people have problems.
What's next?
Can there be a 'Pretty Preggers Barbie', with a large stomach, swelling tits, and in nine months a new baby doll can be purchased to crawl out of the 'Pretty Preggers Barbie'? Or maybe a 'Divorced Barbie', she costs $300,000 and comes with half of Ken's stuff. Then to complete the set you need to get the 'Broken-Down Ken', and he comes with a drink and a strip club. I don't know what Mattel was thinking with their new Barbie, but it's not the greatest thing to put out to small children.
There are many stories about the winnebago, and speculations. Over the last couple months I've noticed a connection between weird fascinations, winnebagos, and old people getting older. As men approach their 30s they reach their mid-life crisis and want a fast car to feel young, but as they grow into their 50s and afterwards, they desire something more spacious and home-y. Old men growing older want to bring their homes with them, and a winnebago is the best way to do it. This way, I'm guessing, they can always be close to home, but can have the chance to travel which they lost the chance to earlier in their life. It's not only men though, but old ladies as well. they like the chance to cook as they make way along the road, again I'm guessing - as there were no interviews, just word of mouth from quite a few old folks. That's about all I have, so add some thoughts.