Thursday, June 4, 2009


Thursday, June 4, 2009

All 13 years pf the schooling I have been through are closing.  The basic skills learned over these years has been a whole lot.  Should I be excited?  Yea, probably.  Am I?  Not really.

I love it when people ask me if I'm excited to finally be done with high school, cause come on, who doesn't want to be done with a structured schedule, and being herded between classes by the bell system?  For me graduation from high school is only a stepping stone.  For others it seems as if they have made it.  As if they accomplished a grand scheme against the system.  I feel stuck in the system still, but it's loosening up it's reigns a bit.  Once I'm out of college though, I have a feeling things will only go down hill unless I make something out of myself.  Or manipulate the system.
"Knowledge is Freedom"...first time I heard this was from Papoose of all people.  13 years of school, pretty ******* liberating.  Yet after all these years, in order to have any type of well off life, more than just flipping patties, you must have a degree., meaning more school.  UGH.
So as I see it, graduating doesn't mean any big accomplishment, but another holiday to celebrate and a reason to change schools.
Even worse, graduation is another event for a large crowd to gather and support a class.  It's worse because the valedictorian and saluditorian both speak in front of this crowd, so when they are bad's a bad graduation.  Or it's bad when only the student speakers make an impression on the audience, and the rest of the speakers are like Homer Simpson..."Uhhhhh..." and "DOH!"  So that makes me not a fan of such events.
So toss your hats up for them apples.

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