Saturday, May 9, 2009


Saturday, May 9, 2009

  • There are many ways to hunt. As it stands white people are most receptive to hunting, something about searching for an animal that drives us crazy.  The only thing I can't understand is having to cover yourself in piss, because to me it seems that if you don't shower for two weeks you'll smell about the same, without having to be urinated upon.  The camo, special guns for different game, and getting up very early all make sense.
  • The camo is so that the animals don't notice you.
  • The different guns have specific ranges of shot, and have different levels of power.  Why would you use a pea-shooter for a moose?
  • Most animals are only active in the morning, and what fun is killing a sleeping animal?
Through all the different types of hunting from large game, small game, birds, fish, all the way to women, each has the basic prinnciple of not getting caught.  Should you be noticed your prey will run.
You may be wondering why is this principle the same with women.  Wouldn't you like to let the woman know that you are there, instead of following her like a creepy stalker?  Well within Hoe Hunting, you do not want to let the woman know that you trying to get with her.  She should be oblivious to the fact that you waited for her to sink your game into, among other things.  Everything should be natural within the setting, just as when hunting an animal, you wait patiently and let the prey come to you in their natural setting.  Simply you set the stage, they take the bait.  Whether they bite or not is how cautious they are.
There are some rules and regulations of hoe hunting, that follow regular hunting, but I'm much too lazy to get that far.  So happy hunting if you are up for it!

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