My summer has been filled with ups and downs. Starting from graduation of high school, I was hoping to get paid as a camp counselor. Of course, because of the events to my shoulder, I was withheld pay. Sure a counselor only gets paid 59 cents/hour (as it was found out), that's $250 per week more than what I have in my pocket to show. But I went as a Counselor's Assistant anyways, because my mother persuaded me so, and it kept me out of some stupid trouble.
So my summer was spent almost exclusively at camp, watching children of middle school age and younger. During this time, I also had to go through therapy, which was my workout during my off period for most days, up to the first month I was out there. This was fun, and I got used to the schedule. Then I get stuck out with horses. I don't know a damn thing bout horses. SO what do I do? I became a squire (that's what we called ourselves) and started shoveling shit. That week sucked, as well as every trip I had to make out there, because I despise such creatures.
Anyways, besides those 2 setbacks, I was having lots of fun. I wasn't watching the kids as much as relaxing with them and becoming their friend, not only their counselor. My Color Wars team did well (for the first 2 sessions), but I blame SHANaNOgaNs for that - there's no way the same team can win 3 sessions in a row. Out at skatepark then challenge course wasn't bad. Then changing from challenge course to marksmanship was fine too. I found out that riding a skateboard is actually a bit fun, and I love shooting things, so BB guns and archery was my fix.
Mid-way through the third session I went out to the UF orientation. First thoughts, "**** this is a big campus!" I still think it is now. Along the way I ended up changing my major from Computer Science to Computer Engineering - Software, and kept Mathematics. I also registered for classes, met some really cool people, and continue to realize how big the UF campus is.
Then I came back to camp to watch the kids some more. At least there were some CITs (Counselor In Training) who I absolutely loved, and they pulled me through to the next and final session. The last session I pretty much rode out. During this time I found out I got one of the best dorms on the UF campus, even better it was near my classes too. I also realized that I never want to return to camp again, well this particular camp. As much as I love the campers it just wasn't (and still isn't) worth coming back. The last day finally comes, and I figure it'll be the easiest day...hell no. First, one of the counselors decides to be a bitch bout a small prank and wants to tell me I'm not doing my job, got me excited to the point where I wanted to fight. Instead I ran and cooled off, and rode for the rest of the day. Till I get told that my Twitter pisses parents off cause it's content isn't up to their standards for a camp counselor, and I'm told I have to edit it. HAHAHAHA.
They can shove it.
I feel that's my censorship, and they can get over themselves, along with my bosses, for a number of reasons. They get over it. And I try to end on a good note. This is achieved by having a firing squad armed with corn throwing their ammo at the counselor who pissed me off earlier. Without speaking we made amends of the situation, it's better to end on a good note. And the Twitter situation doesn't matter, cause it was never my fault that parents are snoopy and that Google works magically well. Closing campfire ended off well. Long, but well.
And finally to today. I am home. With a dead battery in my car this morning, and a new one currently. With plans that fell through, but I'm gonna hit the town up for sure within the week. With college only a week away. These next few weeks should be fun :)